Winter 2017
Network Biology: Converging on Answers to Complex Diseases; PLUS: Deep Learning and the Future of Biomedical Image Analysis
Fall 2016
Taking on the Exposome – Bringing Bioinformatics Tools to the Environmental Side of the Health Equation; PLUS: Learning from Patients’ Health Records; PLUS: ZIKA! Computational Biology to the Rescue
Spring 2016
Data’s Identity Crisis: The Struggle to Name It, Describe It, Find It, and Publish It; PLUS: The Rise of Cryo-Electron Microscopy; PLUS: Computing the Gut
Winter 2014-15
NIH Launches a United Ecosystem for Big Data; PLUS: Unlocking the Genetics of Complex Diseases
Fall 2013
Computing the History of Life; PLUS: The Biology of Interacting Things: The Intuitive Power of Agent-Based Models