OpenSim+ Advanced User Workshop at Stanford University

The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, Restore Center, and Mobilize Center are now accepting applications for a three-day, project-based workshop on the Stanford University campus. This workshop will take place March 11-13, 2024 and is intended for researchers who are advanced users of our software tools, including OpenSim, OpenSim Moco, OpenSense, Sit2Stand, and OpenCap. Advanced users include those who are applying Read more…

Quantify and Analyze Human Movement using Two Smartphones with OpenCap Software

Drs. Scott Uhlrich, Antoine Falisse, and Lukasz Kidzinski, along with other Mobilize Center researchers at Stanford have developed OpenCap, a freely available, cloud-based tool that measures both human movement kinematics (i.e., joint angles) and kinetics (e.g., muscle activations, ground reaction forces, and joint loading) using two smartphones. OpenCap enables researchers Read more…

Webinar: AddBiomechanics – Lowering the Barriers to Musculoskeletal Modeling and Large-Scale Discoveries in Biomechanics

In the first part of this webinar, Mr. Werling will present the AddBiomechanics web platform and show how it can fit into your lab’s workflow. In the second half of the webinar, he will walk participants through a hands-on tutorial of uploading and processing motion capture data, provide best practices and troubleshooting tips when using AddBiomechanics, and provide an easy “getting started” kit for data sharing compliance.