Call for 2023 Pilot Project Applications

Our partner center, the Restore Center, currently seeking proposals for our pilot project program. The program awards seed grants to innovative and meritorious projects that will accelerate the use of sensor and video technology in rehabilitation research and will advance real-world monitoring and delivery of medical rehabilitation for individuals with Read more…

Webinar: AddBiomechanics – Lowering the Barriers to Musculoskeletal Modeling and Large-Scale Discoveries in Biomechanics

In the first part of this webinar, Mr. Werling will present the AddBiomechanics web platform and show how it can fit into your lab’s workflow. In the second half of the webinar, he will walk participants through a hands-on tutorial of uploading and processing motion capture data, provide best practices and troubleshooting tips when using AddBiomechanics, and provide an easy “getting started” kit for data sharing compliance.