We are pleased to announce we will be holding Virtual Office Hours to support researchers working with wearable sensors, video technology, and other modalities in rehabilitation research. These office hours are offered as part of the training efforts of our new Mobilize Center. We will have two tracks for the office hours: 1) Biomechanical modeling with OpenSim and/or IMUs, and 2) Machine learning, including video analysis. All phases of a research project are supported, such as formulating a research question, choosing and planning appropriate methods, and addressing issues with carrying out the study. 

Interested researchers must fill out a short form to apply for a 30-minute time slot, and applications must be received by January 8, 2021 at 5 PM local time. You are welcome to apply as a team. Researchers must describe their research goal, current plans, and the list of topics they would like to discuss during office hours. We are currently accepting applications for meetings to be held in the weeks of January 18 and January 25, 2021. Once participants are selected, we will pair each participant or team of participants with a member of the Mobilize team and send a sign-up sheet with a list of possible 30-minute time slots. Time slots will be during business hours, Pacific Time. If you have questions, please contact opensim@stanford.edu

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