Webinar: Clinical Gait Analysis using Video-Based Pose Estimation: Multiple Perspectives, Clinical Populations, and Measuring Change

In the first half of the webinar, Dr. Roemmich will demonstrate the ability to perform quantitative gait analyses in multiple clinical populations using videos that can be recorded simply using household devices. In the tutorial during the second half of the webinar, Dr. Stenum will walk the audience through all the steps needed to execute this workflow for video-based clinical gait analysis.

Webinar: OpenCap – Analyzing 3D Human Movement Dynamics using Smartphone Videos

In the first half of the webinar, Drs. Uhlrich and Falisse will present their validation of OpenCap. They will demonstrate how OpenCap accurately predicts dynamic measures, like muscle activations, joint loads, and joint moments, which can be used to screen for disease risk, evaluate intervention efficacy, assess between-group movement differences, and inform rehabilitation decisions. In the tutorial during the second half of the webinar, Drs. Uhlrich and Falisse will share how to set up a collection, access kinematic measures, generate dynamic simulations, and understand the strengths and limitations of OpenCap.

Webinar: Energetics and Big Data Approach Explain Ecological Running Speeds

In the first half of the webinar, Dr. Selinger will show that free-living runners, most often out for a jog and not a race, prefer a particular running speed largely independent of run distance. Moreover, these preferred speeds are remarkably consistent with the objective of minimizing energy expenditure. These findings offer insight into the biological objectives that shape human running preferences in the real world—an important consideration when examining human ecology or creating training strategies to improve performance and prevent injury.