The Mobilize Center’s multifaceted, high-impact training program engages diverse communities in biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, and data science to promote best practices and advance the use of robust, user-friendly tools for mobile sensing, machine learning, and precision rehabilitation.
Our online webinars highlight the latest research on mobile technology and machine learning for biomechanics and movement research. They also include tips and tricks for incorporating these technologies into your own research.
Workshops and Symposia
Our short introductory workshops, symposia, and multi-day workshops for biomechanical scientists, rehabilitation specialists, and clinicians showcase our software tools and provide hands-on experience in using them for mobile sensing, machine learning, and rehabilitation research.
Virtual Office Hours
Our Virtual Office Hours are held jointly with the Restore Center to support researchers working with wearable sensors, video technology, and other modalities in rehabilitation research.
Online Tutorials
Our interactive online tutorials provide code to help individuals get started with biomechanical modeling and machine learning approaches to study human movement.
Best Practices Guidelines
In collaboration with the Restore Center, we are establishing a collection of best practices on how to design and execute studies on mobile sensing and machine learning applications related to movement impairments.
Women in Data Science Conference
We partner with the Women in Data Science Conference team to produce a worldwide technical conference that inspires, educates, and supports women in the field of data science.
mHealth Connect Symposium
This symposium highlights state-of-the-art research, facilitates new collaborations, and fosters discussions about key challenges and opportunities in mobile health interventions for movement impairments.